Believe it or not, involving your kids in your move can actually make the process more enjoyable. While moving is difficult enough, keeping your children away from the planning and certain parts of the move itself can actually make them (and, in turn, you!) more stressed.
If you include them in the process by asking them to help you pack and unpack or decorate certain rooms, the process will be happier for all. Here are some tips on how to involve your children in the process to make it less (not more!) stressful:

- Pack up your child’s room last using these handy tips from The Spruce.
- Stick with your usual meal and bedtime routines to give your child as much consistency as possible.
- Hire professional movers to handle the heavy lifting while you supervise and keep an eye on the kiddos.
- Psychology Today notes that letting your child help make some decisions post-move can help them make positive choices in the future.
- Ask friends to help look after the kids and consider dog boarding for Fido to ease moving day woes.
- Let your kids help unpack to get them excited about the new house.
- Pump them up for their new school so that is less scary and more exciting on the first day.
- Help your kids create a memory book of their old friends, neighborhood, and home so they can revisit their past on lonely days.
- Don’t neglect your own self-care: you can’t help your kids if you’re overwhelmed, yourself!
Now that you have some idea of how to include your children in the moving planning, think of other ways that they can help. You all will enjoy it much more if it’s a game instead of a chore. If you make it fun and memorable, you’ll have a much better move!